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美国:626-213-3965 / 626-213-3966(洛杉矶时间早9点至晚6点)



We provide you with more options for prostate cancer treatment than any other facility in the West. Our team includes the region’s most experienced specialists in primary diagnosis and recurrence of prostate cancer.

Your treatment is managed by a team of specialists from multiple disciplines, including urology, radiation medicine and medical oncology. You also have the full support of nurse navigators, social workers, rehabilitation experts and our Cancer Center staff.



Proton therapy is the most advanced form of radiation therapy, offering you safe and effective treatment for cancer, tumors, and other conditions. Painless and non-invasive, proton therapy helps you maintain your quality of life and quickly resume daily activities.

质子治疗是最先进的放射治疗形式,可为您提供安全有效的癌症、肿瘤和其他疾病治疗。 无痛且无创的质子治疗可帮助您保持生活质量并快速恢复日常活动。

Cancers and Conditions We Treat

Recent advances in genetics give us a better understanding of prostate cancer and its treatment options. Our oncologists, surgeons, nurses and caregivers will help you choose the right treatment option for you.

Your care plan will depend on which type of prostate cancer you have. Prostate cancer types include:

  • Adenocarcinoma, the most common form of prostate cancer (at least 95% of cases). This type has a very high survival rate, especially when detected early through screening.
  • Transitional cell (or urothelial) carcinoma, which usually starts in cells in the urethra or bladder.
  • Small cell carcinoma, which is very rare and very aggressive.
  • Large cell carcinoma, which is extremely rare.


前列腺癌类型包括: 腺癌,最常见的前列腺癌形式(至少 95% 的病例)。这种类型的存活率非常高,尤其是在通过筛查早期发现时。移行细胞(或尿路上皮)癌,通常始于尿道或膀胱的细胞。小细胞癌,非常罕见且极具侵袭性。大细胞癌,极为罕见。

Why Choose Us for Prostate Cancer Care

Prostate cancer specialists: Because our team is subspecialized in prostate cancer, you get the most comprehensive, most personalized care plan available.

Unparalleled in proton therapy: We"ve treated over 10,000 prostate cancer patients using proton therapy — more than any other center in the world.

Leaders in robotic surgery: Our surgeons perform more minimally-invasive robotic surgeries each year than those at any other teaching hospital in the West.

State-of-the-art tech: As the largest urology group in the region, we offer you access to the most advanced technology available.

Clinical trials: You have access to many clinical trials for prostate cancer, which may offer potential new treatments.



质子疗法无与伦比:我们已经使用质子疗法治疗了 10,000 多名前列腺癌患者——比世界上任何其他中心都多。







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