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Former tennis star Chris Evert says she was diagnosed with an early stage of ovarian cancer. The 67-year-old Evert revealed the illness in a story posted Friday on ESPN.com; she is an on-air announcer for ESPN. She learned of the cancer last month and began chemotherapy treatments this week. “I’ve lived a very charmed life. Now I have some challenges ahead of me,” Evert said. “But I have comfort in knowing the chemotherapy is to ensure that cancer does not come back.” Evert won 18 Grand Slam singles titles, reached No. 1 in the WTA rankings and was inducted into the International Hall of Fame in 1995.

前网球明星克里斯·埃弗特说,她被诊断出患有早期卵巢癌周五67岁的埃弗特发布在 ESPN.com 上的一篇报道中透露了这种疾病; 她是 ESPN 的播音员。 她上个月得知了癌症,并在本周开始了化疗。“我过着非常迷人的生活。现在我面临着一些挑战,”埃弗特说。 “但我很欣慰地知道化疗是为了确保癌症不会复发。” 埃弗特曾经赢得了18个大满贯单打冠军,在 WTA 中排名第一,并于1995年入选国际名人堂。

Her sister, Jeanne Evert Dubin, died from ovarian cancer in February 2020 at age 62. “Be your own advocate. Know your family’s history. Have total awareness of your body, follow your gut and be aware of changes,” Evert said in the ESPN story. “Dont try to be a crusader and think this will pass.”

她的妹妹珍妮·埃弗特·杜宾(Jeanne Evert Dubin)于2020年2月死于卵巢癌,享年62 岁。埃弗特在 ESPN 的故事中说,“当您了解自己的家族史,也完全了解你的身体,千万不要试图侥幸心,认为这是过去式,可改变的现实。” 



全球顶级医生协会(Global Top Doctors Association)是美国加州政府正式注册的联邦政府批准的一个非营利性,非宗教,非政治性国际社会组织,总部位于洛杉矶。全球顶级医生协会为中西方医学和精神专业人士的科学研究创造更有利的环境,为他们提供机会在社区,全国以及全球服务人群,满足民众的身体与精神健康需求。

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